Monday, December 28, 2020

Itasca 3DEC v5.20.277

Itasca 3DEC v5.20.277

Itasca 3DEC 5 is a software product from Itasca for numerical modeling and advanced geotechnical analysis of soil, rock, surface water, structural support and rock placement.

This software simulates the discrete environment response to static or dynamic loading in a three dimensional fashion and the numerical solution of the equations in accordance with DEM or separate element method.

Discontinuous materials, such as blocks of brick, cement, and stone, are placed by a single joint. Each independent block behaves in a rigid or deformable manner, and it’s not possible to simulate the whole system, and this is where the importance of such software appears.

3DEC also contains Itasca’s powerful built-in scripting language FISH. With FISH, you can write your own scripts for users who want to add functionality for custom analyzes.

Here are some key features of “Itasca 3DEC v5.20.277”:

  • Simulation of the response of these materials to static and dynamic loading
  • 3D modeling of the behavior of highly unpolluted and block materials
  • Suitable for modeling of soil, rock and surface waters
  • Numerical solution of the equations by DEM or separate element
  • Scripting in language Advanced FISH
  • The perfect output for AutoCAD
  • The polyhedral design of the models

System Requirement

  • Operating System: Windows 7 or later (with the latest service packs installed) (64 bit)
  • Hard Disk: 500 MB
  • Processor: Dual core CPU (2 GHz)
  • Memory (RAM): 1 Gbyte
  • Video Card: HD graphics card , 800 x 600 pixels, 32-bit color palette, OpenGL 1.3 or higher
  • Ports: 1 USB port is required for the security key

Download Itasca 3DEC v5.20.277

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